People from all over the world have chosen to make the Costa Blanca their home in Spain and everyone is included in celebrating and enjoying the various Christmas and New Year festivities, regardless of their personal beliefs and nationalities and these will be enjoyed by everyone. However, many people will also have other important religious days to observe during the holiday season. Here are some others that you may come across amoung your friends. There are also one or two more local festivals to watch out for.
Anybody living in Javea or nearby will be able to enjoy this festival which takes place on 12th and 13th December which celebrates the feast of this saint who was a Christian martyr from Syracuse in Italy who is said to have had her eyes gouged out after defying her paga fiance and converting to Christianity. Miraculously she subsequently regained her sight. This is all celebrated with processions in traditional dress with candles and lanterns being carried through the towns streets. This is accompanied with music, singing a solemn mass and concluded with bonfires and fireworks.
Hanukkah is also known as Festival of Lights, is an important festival in the Jewish calendar which often occurs close to Christmas and lasts for eight nights. How will the Jewish community living in the Costa Blanca celebrate this special occasion? Generally they do join in with and enjoy the local Christmas festivities and lights but, tradition is naturally very important. In the Costa Blanca the everybody welcome join in with all local celebrations well as join together with festivities relating to their own beliefs.
There are Synagogues in Alicante and Benidorm and they will be happy to introduce anyone who has recently bought a home in the Costa Blanca to their local Jewish community so that they can be aware of where they can gather to worship and celebrate. They will also be able to advise you where you might find organised Hanukkah events, gatherings and Menorah lightings.
People living in the Costa Blanca enjoy learning about other nationalities, traditions and religions and will enjoy helping you celebrate Hanukkah. Lighting the Menorah each night during Hanukkah is a great opportunity to bring family and friends together and menorah and candles can be bought locally.
Why not introduce your non-Jewish friends and neighbours to some of the delicious treats you make during the Festival of Lights including latkes potato pancakes, sufganiyot jam doughnuts, all ingredients for these can be found in local supermarkets. Introduce.
Fatemiyeh is an Islamic mourning ceremony observed by Shia Muslims in two stages during December and early January, the actual dates vary each year depending upon the lunar calander. With Spain’s historical connection to Islam and a growing muslim community in the Costa Blanca this commemoration of the martyrdom of the Prophet Muhammeds Grandson and his companions at the Battle of Karbala it is an occasion that is deeply significant for Muslims throughout the world. Shia communities living in Spain will follow various practices during during this festival including Majlis where historical accounts of the Karala Battle are related and shared. Solemn processions may be organised within Muslim communities and specific verses from the Quran are recited to seek blessing and comfort.
Bodhi is a Buddhist celebration which falls on the same day as Spain’s celebration of the Immaculate Conception on 8th December each year. It is a day of quiet reflection commemorating the day when the religions founder Siddhartha Gautama was enlightened under the Bodhi tree. This is a day for meditations visits to Temples or Pagodas and reading of scriptures. Buddhists will also gather to share a simple meal and tea with other community members to share the day and a spiritual connection.
Whereever you come from and whatever your beliefs living in the Costa Blanca during December will provide everyone with plenty to do and celebrate. Any celebration is a wonderfull opportunity to mix with the community, feel more integrated and make new friends.