The Power of Gesticulation: Living in Spain

Spain is a country know for its colourful culture, passionate people and expressive language. The trait of the latin temperament and non-verbal communication to emphasie their conversation can be a shock to the systme but, it is all part of learning the language in its own way. In fact when you first buy a property in the Costa Blanca you may find that seeing such gestures can help you to understand what is being said while you learn. Gestures used will emphasise meaning and emotion and is can enhance everyday communication.

Hand Gesticulation - Living in Costa Blanca

Language Beyond Words

Hand Gesture - I'm broke

Spain’s culture has deep routs of nonverbal communication with gestures not merely supplementing language forming and integral part of the message itself. They express a wide range of emotions from excitement to frustration when using their hands and arms to give suble nuances to the meaning of their spoken words. A simple head not can convey agreement and a raise eyebrow can show either skepticism or surprise. You will begin to see many of these when you are beginning your search for a home in the Costa Blanca.

Comman Spanish Gestures

An air kiss is a common greeting, especially among women which involves a series of kisses near but, not on each cheek. The number of kisses varies from one region to another but, most commonly it is two. In the Costa Blanca it is usually two and additional air kisses will give you a sign that the person might not orginate from this part of Spain. A shoulder shrug can express uncertainty, indifference or a lack of knowledge. The palm-up gesture is often accompanied with a look of curiosity indicating that clarification is required and expresses some confusion. The snap of a finger is used to either emphasise a point or express impatience and a chin stroke indicates comtemplation or decision-making.

Why Gesticulartion is so important in Spain

These gestures allow emotions to be expressed more vividely and are a fundamental part of Spanish culture contributing to their nationa identity. Gesticulations accompanying conversation help social connections by providing better understanding and camaraderi, they also add clarification to any ambiguous statements and reinforce the message being given.

Embrace the Power

Hand Gesture - Let's eat

When you first move to the Costa Blanca embracing the use of non-verbal forms of communication can really enhance your intergration and communication skills. Watching your Spanish neighbours communicate can help you to learn and gradually incorporate these gestures inot your own conversations. Soon they will be come second nature to you too. Do, however, make sure you fully understand the gestures before using them so that they are not taken out of context. See when and how gestures are used and in what situations. Don’t overuse gestures in case they become too distracting but, don’t be afraid to experiement with them and use with confidence. If you are travelling within Spain be observant so that you can adapt to regional differences.

Unleashing inner Spaniard

Slowly you will become more confident and fluent in using a variety of non-verbal gestures to give full meaning to your everyday conversations. The longer you live in Spain this  method of communicating will become second nature and visitors from home might observe that you have adopted this trait and can no longer hold a conversation without using your arms and hands. It is often said about many Latin countries that they couldn’t communicate with their hands tied behind their back, this might soon apply to you too.



When you understand the power of this way of communicating in Spain you will be able to more fully embrace the culture of this wonderful country. Your connection with the people of your new home in the Costa Blanca will deepen and before long you will truly feel at home.

Hand Gestures - That was delicious

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